Hauling Fluid is One Thing, But Doing It Right Is Another Office: 306-893-2760 Cell: 780-205-0595
Box 148 • Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0


Quest Logistics carries out a thorough orientation on all new drivers before they are allowed to start work. They must have all tickets up to date as well as on the job training. We have yearly audits to keep up our Secor certificate, as well as have memberships with ISN and Complyworks. Quest has in-house safety reps to respond to any incidents or near misses that may occur, as well as 24 hour on call emergency number. We also have an answering service for each driver to do check-ins throughout the day. We are covered in Alberta and Saskatchewan for WCB, as well as have memberships in ISN and Complyworks. The environment is also something we work hard at keeping clean. Quest carries insurance for Pollution liability for any spills that may occur. With in-house safety reps going out into the field weekly, we ensure that our drivers are maintaining proper housekeeping practices in all facilities.

ISN ComplyWorks
Workers' Compensation Board, Alberta Workers' Compensation Board, Saskatchewan
EnForm Workplace Safety Certificate of Recognition
Box 148 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 780-205-0595 questlogistics2760@gmail.com